Cause- unknown: Exact etiology for PKD unknown. Some researchers swear that genetics plays a big role-- hence ADPKD and ARPKD ( autosomal dominant type and recessive type). But then there are other tapers not genetically oriented. Some hypothesize-- something goes wrong in signaling at cellular level during renal development--- pronephro/ mesonephros/ metabephros stages!
Answered 12/16/2014
Inherited disease: You inherit polycystic kidney disease, so it is reasonable to be evaluated if you have a parent with polycystic kidneys. Evaluation will likely include a painless ultrasound (sound wave) examination. If you know you have polycystic kidneys, you want to do everything you can to protect their function. At some point, though, you may need dialysis or a transplant. Talk to your doctor. LGromkoMD
Answered 11/20/2019
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