A member asked:

Ive had my period 8 days ago and now i am spotting and its starting to look like a period why what could wrong and should i worry?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

You need to be: checked for infection , trauma, hormonal imbalance and cancer by your Gyn,

Answered 12/27/2016


Dr. Kevin Dew answered

Specializes in Family Medicine

Usually not an issue: Are you on the pill? If so, have you missed any? If NOT on the pill ...If your last period was 100% normal for you and you are not having any pain, this is likely just a glitch in the timing of ovulation and is not an indication of problems. If you last period was unusually short, light, or otherwise noticeably different AND you're having pain you might want to get a pregnancy test

Answered 6/19/2015



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