Am concerned about: anybody who asks about whether they can or cannot drink with some procedure or with drug X, because that is a red flag that drinking alcohol is too important in your life, and that you may have a problem. You have 3 conditions that are worsened (and even caused) by alcohol, erectile dysfunction, a muscle disease and PTSD. Alcohol is especially bad with PTSD, and makes it hard to treat. Talk to MD
Answered 4/17/2021
Agree with below: not a question that most social-only drinkers would ask. Daily alcohol consumption can make sedating you more difficult as your liver is revved up. Would try to stay away for at least 5-7 days if you're drinking more than 2drinks/day or 14/week.
Answered 1/7/2018
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3 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
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