Here are some ...: Talk with your parents or someone responsible and trustworthy for you, and go to see Doc, preferably a gyn-doc who will review your Hx in detail, conduct physical exam, and do tests for urine and bladder, etc. so to deduce possible diagnosis for reasonable care and treatment. Don't wait. Best wish ...
Answered 11/26/2014
Please: tell me you are seeing a physician. You have multiple complaints which need addressed. It is common for young women to have irregular cycles for the first few years of having cycles. The low back and abd/pelvic pain are likely due to no period and your uterus is in spasm. But you need to see a doctor for evaluation. Good luck
Answered 11/26/2014
Urinary Infection: You have most of the symptoms of a urinary tract infection that is beginning to spread to your kidneys (pyelonephritis). This probably has no relation to your lack of period for 6 months. Seek medical attention asap, an urgent care or er, as a kidney infection can be very serious.
Answered 11/26/2014
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