A member asked:

Is the black residue on new stainless steel pots dangerous for baby? i washed and boiled water in it and when i wipe with towel, residue still there

5 doctors weighed in across 3 answers

Residue: I am not sure why you hav residue on stainless steel pots. Inside? They should scrub clean every time. Try the barkeeper's friend and then rinse well. Stainless steel pans should be one of the safest for your child.

Answered 12/26/2020



Maybe: It is possible But not likely. It all depends on what are the chemicals/materials used to make the pots. They are not all the same. The manufacturers usually do testing and have to pass certain regulation standards in order to commercialize it. Look at the box in which the pot came in for a list of materials/chemicals the product has, then Call poison control 1-800-2222-1222, they will help you

Answered 7/29/2014


Dr. Stephen Southard answered

Specializes in Internal Medicine

No: While stainless steel is named stainless it's more stain resistant. Chemicals in water and/or food can stain the insides of stainless steel pots. And prolonged high heat can stain the outside of the pots. I wouldn't worry and you can try to remove the stains with some vinegar or lemon juice. Best of luck.

Answered 9/9/2018



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