A member asked:

I am suffering from malabsorption and at the same time has excess production of sebum in scalp.so which vitamin/mineral deficiency could cause this?

5 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Multiple: Could have many because of the malabsorption. Consider digestive enzymes, probiotics and consult with your doc..

Answered 11/29/2017


Dr. Joram Seggev answered

Specializes in Internal Medicine - Allergy & Immunology

Multiple; more info: You don't tell me what your malabsorption is due to. Depending on the cause, there are various treatments. Also, various nutrients may or may not be absorbed. In short, discuss the issue with your gastroenterologist and if you are not satisfied, you may want to go a university-affilated clinic.

Answered 7/27/2014



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