A member asked:

My wife has been complaining about headaches that throbbing, and pressured. with dizziness, dry mouth and consistent being tired. what can this be?

8 doctors weighed in across 4 answers
Dr. Robert Killian answered

Specializes in General Practice

Hundreds of Possible: She needs to be seen and evaluated by her physician today. Don't you think? There are too many possibilities and some of them are very serious. Take her to the doctor.

Answered 7/23/2014


Dr. Marc Goldhagen answered

Specializes in Occupational Medicine

Many causes: Dehydration, low blood sugar, lack of sleep, migraine, tumors are just a few of the many possible causes of her symptoms. Go see a doctor to diagnose and get treatment.

Answered 7/23/2014


Dr. John Munshower answered

Specializes in Family Medicine

Several things: Over the computer would be guesses only, such as a sinus infection that may have subsequent head aches accompanying it, and possibly if with a minor fever may cause dehydration and dry mouth, etc. With an underlying thyroid condition that as exacerbated with her illness and thus causing her to be tired more often, or possibly she is mildly anemic, etc...Too many "possibilities" so best for EVAL.

Answered 7/24/2014



Possible migraine: A throbbing, one-sided, debilitating, worsening-if-active headache is the classic description of a migraine headache. If your wife can predict she is about to have a headache due to a certain smell/vision/taste, then she is experiencing migraines with aura. There are medications available that can help stop active migraines. I'd say to see a neurologist and have your wife's headaches worked up!

Answered 1/26/2021



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