A member asked:

I m 18 bt still dnt have any beard.wht to do to get beard faster.is there any ayurvedic ways?? i heard by rubing potato or onion on my chin might help

4 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Stephen Southard answered

Specializes in Internal Medicine

To be honest ...: There isn't any great means of making hair grow faster in a beard besides using prescription testosterone inappropriately - I would never recommend this. Even the prescription hair growth/hair loss prevention medication Propecia doesn't appear to aid in beard growth. Also, the over the counter rogaine (minoxidil) does not seem to reliable improve beard grow. Make sure you healthy and nutritionally sound!

Answered 10/4/2016


Dr. John Munshower answered

Specializes in Family Medicine

No potatoes or onion: Growing facial hair is often associated with genetic predisposition and certain nationalities can grow hair more "thicker" than others. No crazy remedies here. Shaving every day, even if no major hair growth, will slowly strengthen the hair follicle and allow for a thicker beard to grow overtime.

Answered 6/23/2014



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