A member asked:

I have major acne following a rhinoplasty, is there anything i can do to reduce this? if not when will this resolve?

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Cleansing is Key: Your stress response is causing your acne to break out. So cleansing is very important. Plus adding things like benzoyl peroxide will help keep the bacterial count down. Your doctor may also prescribe some tetracycline antibiotics to help.

Answered 5/3/2014



Acne after nose job: Once the cast comes off, it is possible to have a break out because the skin is hypermetabolic as the nose is healing. It should resolve and in the meantime, you can try OTC products or even a chemical peel may help. If this continues to be an issue, discuss these problems with your surgeon at your next postop visit.

Answered 9/29/2016



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