A member asked:

Why is my pee smells like butter popcorn?

6 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. John Munshower answered

Specializes in Family Medicine

What did you eat?: Usually it is what you eat or drink that dictates the smell of your urine. Sugary foods if enough, will cause a rise in your serum blood glucose concentration, and the body reacts by trying to excrete the extra sugar in your urine. Often causing a sweet smell.

Answered 12/26/2022


Dr. James Lin answered

Probably normal...: Everyone's urine has its unique odor reflecting what you eat and drink, and soon after exposed to the air, its smell changes fast - the longer, the worse. That is natural. Besides, everyone emits personal body order - getting stronger if not washed timely. So, it's okay as long as you voidcomfortably and urine exam is normal. Best wish...

Answered 3/18/2016



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