A member asked:

I have an iud i am a week late and having some symptoms of pregnancy like breast tenderness and some nausea and high libdo took a test today it was -?

9 doctors weighed in across 2 answers

Likely OK: Continue to monitor your symptoms and repeat your pregnancy test if your symptoms persist or if your nausea worsens. It is normal for some women to stop having menstrual cycles with the Mirena (levonorgestrel) iud. If your pregnancy test is negative and your symptoms resolve, this is likely okay.

Answered 6/30/2014



IUD reliable. : A negative preg test, if done correctly, is pretty reliable. Some iuds like mirena, (levonorgestrel) may alter your cycle. Copper t iuds are less likely to do so. There are a variety of reasons for your symptom. A negative pregnancy test is very reassuring you are not pregnant. Additionally, an iud is a very reliable form of bc.

Answered 12/9/2013



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