A member asked:

Saw flash of light (across entire vision field) when walking dogs in evening. can't tell if it was me or street light flickering (flash was same color as street lights). going to opthom. but scared.

2 doctors weighed in across 2 answers
Dr. Marsha Davis answered

Specializes in Internal Medicine

Vision: Normal now? If you have no pain and completely normal vision you are likely normal. You don't list migraines in your history but it could have been a migraine without pain. Sounds like you are fine.

Answered 12/28/2013



Flashes of light: Seen in a dark environment can indicate vitreous (gel-like substance inside eye) traction (pulling) on the retina. At worst it may indicate a retinal tear, break or detachment. At best, it is a vitreous detachment that may be benign (harmless). Visualizing floaters or blurred vision in any quadrant heightens the risk of retinal pathology. Confirm your symptoms with the office for evaluation asap.

Answered 12/28/2013



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