Dr. Alicia Massop-Flowers is a General Pediatrician practicing in New York City since 2005. Her patients affectionately refer to her as "Dr. Flowers" and "Dr. McStuffin": Dr. Flowers has a private practice in Laurelton-Springfield Gardens (Queens), NY. She is fluent in Medical Spanish.
SpecialtiesDoctors may have more than one area of specialty interest. Board certification in a specialty area means the doctor has completed formal training and has practice experience in that specialty, and has passed the certification examination from the corresponding accredited medical specialty board.
Doctors may have more than one area of specialty interest. Board certification in a specialty area means the doctor has completed formal training and has practice experience in that specialty, and has passed the certification examination from the corresponding accredited medical specialty board.
Languages spoken
Doctor Q&A
7 Answers
0 Agrees
The number of answers this doctor has agreed with.
A 47-year-old member asked:
Dr. Alicia Massop-flowersanswered
18 years experience
Augmentin (amoxicillin and clavulanate) with GI Sx: Hi! Augmentin (amoxicillin and clavulanate) is an antibiotic with 2 active ingredients: Amoxicillin and Clavulanic Acid. GI upset with bloating and n... Read More
Created for people with ongoing healthcare needs but benefits everyone.
4k viewsReviewed >2 years ago
A 45-year-old female asked:
Dr. Alicia Massop-flowersanswered
18 years experience
8mo vomiting dairy..: Congratulations on your baby boy! It would be helpful to know what formula your baby is eating. Some babies have a Milk Protein Allergy vs. Milk/for... Read More
Created for people with ongoing healthcare needs but benefits everyone.
4k viewsAnswered >2 years ago
A 38-year-old member asked:
Dr. Alicia Massop-flowersanswered
18 years experience
Nausea after eating: Your symptoms are common, but not specific for any 1 condition. you need to be seen by your doctor to have test done. This could be as simple as acid ... Read More
Created for people with ongoing healthcare needs but benefits everyone.
4k viewsAnswered >2 years ago
A 45-year-old member asked:
Dr. Alicia Massop-flowersanswered
18 years experience
Nausea after eating: There are many different reasons why this may be. For most patients this may be acid reflux or some other form of indigestion/food intolerance. For wo... Read More
Created for people with ongoing healthcare needs but benefits everyone.
4k viewsAnswered >2 years ago
A 31-year-old male asked:
Dr. Alicia Massop-flowersanswered
18 years experience
2yr unclear talking: Congrats Daddy on navigating the "terrible 2s". Your baby needs a developmental screening by her Pediatrician 1st to asses her development. Sometime... Read More
Created for people with ongoing healthcare needs but benefits everyone.
4k viewsAnswered >2 years ago
A member asked:
Dr. Alicia Massop-flowersanswered
18 years experience
Acne meds white film: You should leave on the acne med and apply a moisturizer with SPF 15 or 30. Acne meds like you are using may cause your skin to be very sensitive with... Read More
Created for people with ongoing healthcare needs but benefits everyone.
4k viewsReviewed >2 years ago
A 32-year-old female asked:
Dr. Alicia Massop-flowersanswered
18 years experience
3 wk baby sticky eye: 1st congrats on your niece! She is quite young and the 1st thing to do before seeing her Pediatrician is using a clean wash cloth with warm water and ... Read More
Created for people with ongoing healthcare needs but benefits everyone.
4k viewsReviewed >2 years ago
TestimonialsRecommendations and Thank you notes are endorsements given from patients or other doctors.
Recommendations and Thank you notes are endorsements given from patients or other doctors.
Thank you notes
HealthTap member
Mar 31, 2015
Dr. Massop-flowers is an amazing doctor! #nationaldoctorsday2015 #virtualflower1
HealthTap member
Mar 31, 2015
Dr. Massop-flowers is an amazing doctor! #nationaldoctorsday2015 #virtualflower1
HealthTap member
Thx and no never had periods and never had sex!!!! What can I do plzzz
HealthTap member
Thank you, your answer was very helpful!
Education & Training
Medical/Graduate school
New York Institute of Technology New York College of Osteopathic Medicine, NY
Graduated 2005MD
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