Dr. Allan Rivera

General Practice
Auburn, WA
22 years experience





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Doctors may have more than one area of specialty interest. Board certification in a specialty area means the doctor has completed formal training and has practice experience in that specialty, and has passed the certification examination from the corresponding accredited medical specialty board.

General Practice

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Doctor Q&A

1 Answer
0 Agrees
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A 54-year-old male asked:
Dr. Allan Rivera
22 years experience
Yes: Angina is a non specific chest pain that can be due to multiple factors which includes stress, muscular, cardiovascular problems and respiratory issu... Read More
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Recommendations and Thank you notes are endorsements given from patients or other doctors.

Thank you notes
HealthTap member
Mar 31, 2015
Dr. Rivera is an amazing doctor! #nationaldoctorsday2015 #virtualflower1
HealthTap member
Thank you, your answer was very helpful!

Education & Training

Medical/Graduate school

University of Santo Tomas
Graduated 2001MD
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