Dr. Thomas Erdmann

Family Medicine
Seattle, WA
32 years experience male


Doctors may have more than one area of specialty interest. Board certification in a specialty area means the doctor has completed formal training and has practice experience in that specialty, and has passed the certification examination from the corresponding accredited medical specialty board.

Family Medicine

Languages spoken


Doctor Q&A

19 Answers
0 Agrees
The number of answers this doctor has agreed with.
A member asked:
Dr. Thomas Erdmann
Family Medicine 32 years experience
Numbness?: Pinpricks can be a sign of the foot "falling asleep". This can happen with any type of pinched or interrupted nerve, for example in the back or hip a... Read More
Created for people with ongoing healthcare needs but benefits everyone.
A member asked:
Dr. Thomas Erdmann
Family Medicine 32 years experience
See someone: This could be due to pregnancy, it could be a sign of a missed period with a buildup of a certain hormone due to an irregular period. Occasionally th... Read More
Created for people with ongoing healthcare needs but benefits everyone.
A 28-year-old female asked:
Dr. Thomas Erdmann
Family Medicine 32 years experience
Probably not cancer: Most of the time, sharp pain under the scapula is not related to cancer. It might be due to rib pain or something else, like a pinched nerve in the n... Read More
Created for people with ongoing healthcare needs but benefits everyone.
A 27-year-old male asked:
Dr. Thomas Erdmann
Family Medicine 32 years experience
See doctor: This can be something simple, such as an infection or cyst, or it could be concerning like a growth or cancer. Generally testicular cancer causes th... Read More
Created for people with ongoing healthcare needs but benefits everyone.
A male asked:
Dr. Thomas Erdmann
Family Medicine 32 years experience
It's grown together: Sometimes the foreskin can begin to stick to the glans. This often starts in childhood. Gentle stretching and retraction of the foreskin will someti... Read More
Created for people with ongoing healthcare needs but benefits everyone.
A 44-year-old member asked:
Dr. Thomas Erdmann
Family Medicine 32 years experience
I would not: Otitis media, a middle ear infection, can cause significant pain when you go up or down in an aircraft. See your doctor and have it evaluated.
Created for people with ongoing healthcare needs but benefits everyone.
A 44-year-old female asked:
Dr. Thomas Erdmann
Family Medicine 32 years experience
Inflammation: Shins can hurt when people overuse the muscles and tendons that lie in the groove of the "shin bone". This is called shin splints, or tendinitis. Th... Read More
Created for people with ongoing healthcare needs but benefits everyone.
A 33-year-old male asked:
Dr. Thomas Erdmann
Family Medicine 32 years experience
Maybe surgery: Depending on the severity of the stenosis and your symptoms, surgery, or possibly steroid injection, would be the likely treatment if you have already... Read More
Created for people with ongoing healthcare needs but benefits everyone.
A 35-year-old female asked:
Dr. Thomas Erdmann
Family Medicine 32 years experience
Nasal spray: You could get an additional medicine, a steroid based nasal spray to help open up the congestion. Alternatively, for no more than one day, you could ... Read More
Created for people with ongoing healthcare needs but benefits everyone.
A 17-year-old male asked:
Dr. Thomas Erdmann
Family Medicine 32 years experience
No: Topical steroids tend not to be absorbed in sufficient quantity to trigger weight gain. Sometimes, a small reaction does occur to very strong steroid... Read More
Created for people with ongoing healthcare needs but benefits everyone.
A 24-year-old female asked:
Dr. Thomas Erdmann
Family Medicine 32 years experience
Neck?: We generally do not hear things in our brain, but it is possible that you are hearing some crunching in the neck bones when you move your head, or pos... Read More
Created for people with ongoing healthcare needs but benefits everyone.
A 46-year-old female asked:
Dr. Thomas Erdmann
Family Medicine 32 years experience
See your doctor: This could be a sign of a skin infection of the ear lobe, or possibly a skin inflammation such as eczema. Get it checked out for treatment.
Created for people with ongoing healthcare needs but benefits everyone.
A 28-year-old female asked:
Dr. Thomas Erdmann
Family Medicine 32 years experience
Need to see doctor: This can be due to too many things to list, but the most likely one at your age is a hiatus hernia, when a portion of the stomach moves into the chest... Read More
Created for people with ongoing healthcare needs but benefits everyone.
A 21-year-old female asked:
Dr. Thomas Erdmann
Family Medicine 32 years experience
Yes: Home pregnancy tests are very accurate: they will usually detect pregnancy within 6 days. I would recommend a second test in about a week, and if sti... Read More
Created for people with ongoing healthcare needs but benefits everyone.
A 51-year-old female asked:
Dr. Thomas Erdmann
Family Medicine 32 years experience
Possibly: Any long term pain issue can trigger depression or spontaneous behavior in an attempt to get out of pain. Cluster headaches are difficult but not imp... Read More
Created for people with ongoing healthcare needs but benefits everyone.
A 27-year-old male asked:
Dr. Thomas Erdmann
Family Medicine 32 years experience
SEE DOCTOR: Burning pain is often a sign of some inflammation, usually not something very worrisome. It can be due to an infection as well, in the scalp. See a ... Read More
Created for people with ongoing healthcare needs but benefits everyone.
A 42-year-old male asked:
Dr. Thomas Erdmann
Family Medicine 32 years experience
A little: A lymph node swelling is usually a sign of infection. Generally it goes back down after the infection is resolved. If you have a lymph node behind y... Read More
Created for people with ongoing healthcare needs but benefits everyone.
A 35-year-old female asked:
Dr. Thomas Erdmann
Family Medicine 32 years experience
Yes: A cyst that has not resolved in 6 months is abnormal. A cyst that is 9 cm across is very abnormal. Removal is really the only option, other than doi... Read More
Created for people with ongoing healthcare needs but benefits everyone.
A 24-year-old male asked:
Dr. Thomas Erdmann
Family Medicine 32 years experience
Headache?: It is possible you are suffering from a muscle contraction headache, which might trigger tight feeling forehead or eyes, and neck pain. If there is f... Read More
Created for people with ongoing healthcare needs but benefits everyone.

Recommendations and Thank you notes are endorsements given from patients or other doctors.

Thank you notes
HealthTap member
Mar 31, 2015
Dr. Erdmann is an amazing doctor! #nationaldoctorsday2015 #virtualflower1
HealthTap member
Mar 31, 2015
Dr. Erdmann is an amazing doctor! #nationaldoctorsday2015 #virtualflower1
HealthTap member
Thank you, your answer or tip was very helpful! Have seen a gp now and I am going for a blood test on monday...my mind is at ease slightly. Thanks
HealthTap member
Thanks for your quick reply! I've had physiotherapy it's helped a little but I'm still getting pains in my butt checks and calfs get numb
HealthTap member
Thank you, your answer or tip was very helpful! Thank you for your help, i will book an appointment first thing in the morning.

Education & Training

Medical/Graduate school

University of Washington School of Medicine, Seattle
Graduated 1991MD


Valley Medical Center


Valley Medical Center


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